CAS Membership Levels
All membership include a listing in our online gallery.
Members must be at least 16 years old.
Individual: $45.00
Full rights as a voting member of CAS, including participation in CAS meetings, social events, show openings and exhibit opportunities for your artwork in any CAS show.
Family: $50.00
Full rights as a voting member of CAS for one adult, plus participation for the entire family in CAS meetings, social events, show openings, and exhibit opportunities for your artwork in any CAS show. This membership includes up to two adults and any dependent children 16-21 years of age all which are living at the same residence.
Business: $60.00
Full rights as a voting member of CAS, plus recognition on the CAS web site and newsletter included for one year.
Business members are also eligible to participate in exhibits. Business membership is renewed 12 months from date received.
A business that is engaged in the production and/or selling of arts, paying annual dues with one voting privilege. Employees of the business may join CAS at the individual membership rate, each having individual voting privileges. (Associations, non-profit and not-for-profit organizations are prohibited from this category.)
Student: $15.00
Voting member of CAS, includes participation in CAS meetings, social events, and exhibits. An individual, at least 16 years old, may purchase a student membership by paying reduced annual dues if they are a full time student enrolled in an accredited educational institution.
Sponsor: $100.00
Sponsor membership is available to individuals or groups wishing to promote the efforts of the CAS through a specified annual donation. A Sponsor is supportive in nature and includes one full individual membership. Once approved, Sponsors will be listed on the CAS web site and newsletter.
Patron: $250.00
Patron membership is available to individuals or groups wishing to promote the efforts of CAS through a specified, large annual donation. A Patron is supportive in nature and includes two full individual memberships. Patrons will be listed on the CAS web site and newsletter.
Membership Caveats
CAS membership fees are due each year, no later than February 28th, for the calendar year.
After October 1, membership fees apply to the remainder of the calendar year and the following year.
Business membership, sponsorships and Patron are renewed 12 months from date received.
Waiver and release forms must be completed prior to exhibiting any work at a CAS venue. You will be prompted on the membership form to agree to terms.
Members do not pay an additional fee to exhibit in our rotating or curated exhibit venues. Entry fees may be charged for special events to cover gallery rental and/or jury fees.
Board members do not pay membership dues for the year in which they serve. They should still fill out the membership form to update their contact info, waiver and optional gallery image (note: Venue Coordinators who are not board members do pay membership dues; however, they do not pay CAS commissions and are exempt from one special event entry fee of $25 per year).
Join Now
Simply complete our Online Membership Form for New Members and Renewing Members. The online application form allows you to easily enter all of your membership information. You will be asked to agree to publicity and liability waivers. You will be able to choose your level of membership and then make your payment online or, if desired, mail a check.

Already paid your dues for the year and just need to update your Gallery image or contact info? Please click here
As a member you will have access to all the benefits CAS has to offer including the ​MEMBER RESOURCES page. This page contains our Calls of Art, volunteer opportunities, knowledge sharing and more.